Psoriasis is a complex, non-contagious chronic autoimmune disease and skin complaint that can have a distressing impact.
Psoriasis is caused when the skin cells renew themselves too quickly. The skin usually renews itself every 28 days but those with psoriasis have a far quicker skin cell renewal cycle of around four days. This results in red and flakey patches of skin.
FREZYDERM has completed a complete psoriasis care range, the PS.T. care line consists of four innovative products that:  
- Provide specialized care during flare ups and remission phases
- Can be used in combination with other psoriasis treatment regimens
- Improve the skin’s appearance    
- Are easy to use, odour free and leave no reside or stains

The P.S.T. care line has been especially formulated to provide effective treatment for psoriasis by:
- Removing flakes of skin
- Hydrating the skin  
- Reducing and regulating skin cell renewal
- Controlling neurogenic inflammation
- Protecting and reinforcing the skin’s natural defensive barrier


Reconstructs and protects skin with psoriasis